Current Opportunities
Seeking 60 Early Educators to Earn an
Early Childhood Education Degree
Expand ECE Fellowship
We are excited that you are interested in applying to the Expand ECE program! This program was developed to engage committed educators, like yourself, and to increase the number of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) highly qualified early childhood teachers in Georgia. The Expand ECE program is a culturally responsive and transformational experience.
2023 Board of Directors: Call for Applications​
Applications are open for Black Child Development Institute (BCDI)-Atlanta's 2023 Board of Directors.
Board meetings are held twice per year with special meetings potentially called by the Chairperson as needed. The Board of Directors is responsible for funding 10% of the organization's total budget each year.
Board Position Descriptions
Vice Chairperson: Offers support for the Board Chair and other leadership when needed. The Vice Chair is the future leader of the organization’s board.​
Treasurer: Manages the organization’s finances and makes important decisions regarding spending and investing. This role is a demanding and engaging one, with a lot of responsibility and opportunity to initiate change.
Member At Large: Serves as the liaison between the membership and the Board of Directors. Officer duties and responsibilities are not fixed; they vary according to the needs of the organization and as directed by the other officers of the board.
Eligibility Requirements
Current BCDI-Atlanta Member for at least 1 Year
Active participation in Quarterly Affiliate Meetings and organizational events
Letter of Interest
Resume or CV
The Election Process
Applications will be reviewed by the existing officers during the winter board meeting, where board elections will be held.
The slate of Board-elected officers will be presented during the following Quarterly Affiliate Meeting to complete the election process.
Board members serve a minimum of one year and can be re-elected annually by the Board of Directors, which is based on performance and fundraising. Board appointments are effective through December 31, 2023.